Sunday, 12 March 2017


When a girl has a period for the first time, it is a distinct step into womanhood. Here are some tips to help you stay clean and hygienic during your periods.

Most of us go through our periods very secretively and don’t really bother to figure out if our practices are hygienic or not. At times, we may wear the same napkin for a whole day. Women is villages and smaller towns still use reusable unhygienic cloth during their periods. And since periods are considered unclean, they are not even allowed to use detergent for washing the soiled cloth well in some households.
Here are some tips to maintain hygiene during your periods, some of which you may not know about:
1.  Choose your method of sanitation:
Today there are a number of ways including the use of sanitary napkins, tampons and menstrual cups to stay clean. In India, most unmarried girls prefer to use sanitary napkins. If you do decide to use a tampon remember that it is essential to choose one that has the lowest absorbency rate for your flow. While there are some women who choose to use either different types of sanitary napkins on different days of their periods or different methods of protection (like a tampon and a sanitary napkin), there are some who prefer to stick to one type and brand. The best tip here is to try and use one brand for one type of protection for a while to know if it helps your needs. Frequent switching between brands can make you uncomfortable since brands are as unique as you, they suit everyone differently.
2. Change regularly:
Menstrual blood – once it has left the body – gets contaminated with the body’s innate organisms. This rule applies for even those days when you don’t have much bleeding, since your pad is still damp and will have organisms from your vagina, sweat from your genitals, etc. When these organisms remain in a warm and moist place for a long time they tend to multiply and can lead to conditions like urinary tract infection, vaginal infections and skin rashes.
The standard time to change a sanitary pad is once every six hours, while for a tampon is once every two hours. That being said, you have to customize the changing schedule to your needs. While some women might have a heavy flow and would need to change more often, others will need to change less frequently. There are a few instances where your sanitary napkin or tampon might not be completely used – usually on days when you have a lesser flow – but you must change at regular intervals.
In the case of tampons it is very important because, if left inserted into the vagina for long periods of time it can cause a condition called TSS or toxic shock syndrome – a condition where bacteria infiltrate the body leading to severe infection that can send to the body into shock – that requires emergent treatment and can lead to serious complications and even death.  
3. Wash yourself regularly:
When you menstruate, the blood tends to enter tiny spaces like the skin between your labia or crust around the opening of the vagina and you should always wash this excess blood away. This practice also tends to beat bad odour from the vaginal region. So, it is important to wash your vagina and labia (the projecting part of female genitals) well before you change into a new pad. If you cannot wash yourself before you change make sure to wipe off the areas using toilet paper or tissue.
4. Don’t use soaps or vaginal hygiene products
The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism that works in a very fine balance of good and bad bacteria. Washing it with soap can kill the good bacteria making way for infections. So, while it is important to wash yourself regularly during this time, all you need to use is some warm water. You can use soap on the external parts but do not use it inside your vagina or vulva.
5. Use the right washing technique:
Always wash or clean the area in a motion that is from the vagina to the anus. Never wash in the opposite direction. Washing in the opposite direction can cause bacteria from the anus to lodge in the vagina and urethral opening, leading to infections. Read about urinary tract infections.
6. Discard your used sanitary product properly
It is essential to discard your used napkins or tampons properly because they are capable of spreading infections, will smell very foul. Wrapping it well before discarding it ensures that the smell and infection is contained. It is advised not to flush the pad or tampon down the toilet since they are capable of forming a block and can cause the toilet to back up. More importantly it is imperative that you wash your hands well after you discard your used napkin since you are likely to touch the used portion of the pad or tampon while discarding it.
7.  Beware of a pad rash
A pad rash is something that you might experience during a period of heavy flow. It usually occurs when the pad has been wet for a long time and rubs along the thighs causing it to chaff. To prevent this from occurring, try to stay dry during your periods. If you do have a rash, change your pads regularly and stay dry. Apply an antiseptic ointment, after a bath and before bed – this will heal the rash and prevent further chaffing. If it gets worse do visit your doctor who will be able to prescribe you a medicated powder that can keep the area dry.
8.  Use only one method of sanitation at a time
Some women who have heavy flow during their periods tend to use either (i) two sanitary pads, (ii) a tampon and sanitary pad (iii) a sanitary pad along with a piece of cloth. This might seem like a good idea, but it actually is not, changing regularly is a better option. Using two pads or a tampon and a sanitary pad is bad because the two pads absorb the blood and you don’t see that they are completely used up you are unlikely to change at regular and healthy intervals. This can lead to rashes, infections and in the case of tampons even TSS. Another consideration is that if one does use a piece of cloth as extra protection that cloth may not be the cleanest thing to put next to your private parts.  Lastly, the whole two pad structure is extremely uncomfortable and can leave you with a bad rash and an even worse temper.
9.  Have a bath regularly
To some it may seem like the most inane advice, but in some cultures it is believed that a woman should not bathe during her periods. This myth was based on the fact that in the olden days women had to bathe in the open or in common water bodies like a river or lake. But with indoor plumbing having a bath is the best thing you can do for your body during your periods. Bathing not only cleanses your body but also gives you a chance to clean your private parts well. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps, backaches, helps improve your mood and makes you feel less bloated. To get some relief from backaches and menstrual cramps, just stand under a shower of warm water that is targeted towards your back or abdomen. You will feel much better at the end of it.
10.  Be ready with on-the-go stuff during your periods
When you have your periods it is important to be ready. It is important to have extra sanitary pads or tampons properly stored in a clean pouch or paper bag, a soft towel, some paper tissues or towels, hand sanitizer, a healthy snack, bottle of drinking water, a tube of antiseptic medication (if you are using one).
Changing your pads/ tampons regularly is essential, so you will need extra. More importantly storing them properly so that they don’t get contaminated is as important as changing. Pads or tampons that remain in your bag without a clean pouch to protect it can also lead to infections like UTI (urinary tract infection) or vaginal infections. The soft towel can be used to wipe your hands or face if you wash them. Paper towels are the important to wipe off the excess water after you wash your private parts. It is best you don’t use toilet paper for this as it tends to shred and tear when it touches water. Your hand sanitizer is a very important factor here. You will need it to clean your hands and you can use it to clean the flush knob and tap faucet as well. The snack is a backup in case you feel weak or run down during the day and the bottle of water is to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.



To avoid the purchase of stolen vehicles thereby inuring the wrath of law enforcement agents, you are advised to carry out these basic checks on a vehicle before you part with your money.

For Foreign used cars

1. Ask for the custom papers and do a VIN check on the said vehicle
2. Make sure you buy from a registered car stand
3. Check for repainting of the car, especially the bonnet area where it is hard to respray.
4. Check the glass for any engraving

For Nigerian used cars:

1. Ask for customs document and ensure it's original
2. Ask for the original vehicle documents
3. Confirm that the name on all documents match sellers name. If not, let the seller provide proof of sale from original owner
4. Input the plate number in FRSC database and make sure it conforms with the said vehicle registered to.
5. Make sure all documents are originals and not
 photocopies6. Take a selfie with the seller and the said vehicle for posterity sake.



Fish farming means 'raising fish commercially in tanks, ponds or other enclosures for the purpose of producing food'.
It is also the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture Although, Fish farming is a lucrative business which requires time, patience and money. One must be ready to take risks if you must venture into this kind if business.

The reason why most fish farmers in Nigeria fail is because they believe the saying that fish farming requires little investment and therefore results in huge profits. I tell you that If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it.

This article contains a complete guide on how to carry out a feasibility study on fish farming business in Nigeria. With this article, we hope to expose some areas as regards to fish farming in Nigeria

Feasibility Study On Fish Farming Business In Nigeria
It is very important to carry out feasibility study on fish farming business if you want to venture into it in Nigeria. This is help ascertain what you would need in order to equip yourself in order to achieve positive results in fish farming business.

The following factors below may vary if you want to start a successful fish farm in Nigeria and they include:
• Location
• Cost of labour
• Cost of materials
• Cost of feeding the fishes
• Cost of fingerling (fish seed)
• Type of Water
• Marketing
• Distribution

Location plays a vital role in fish farming as it helps decide the kind of fish pond to be constructed. Usually, areas with swampy environment can be useful for fish farming in Nigeria and earthen pond a good fit for fish farm whether the location is swampy or the have a high water retaining capacity

You should try to avoid bushy areas with lots of trees, unless you have the financial power to do so.

If you opt for a concrete pond, the farmer should make provision for bore hole for water supply or alternatively he or she should buy water. He should also provide a shade for the fishes and fingerlings.

It could be cheap or expensive based on the location. Unless if you opt for earthen pond which is not expensive to create, concrete pond might require you to spend on labour. Whatever the case might be, cost of labour is a very important factor to be considered when carrying out a feasibility study on fish farming.

You are to find out the cost of the materials you are going to use to kick start your fish farming business. for example, if you want to build or erect the pond, you would need to find the cost of cement, bricks, e.t.c

The cost of feeding varies. Foreign feeds are normally more expensive than local feeds. Example, Cupen is sold above N5,000, while local feeds cost below N4,500. You could also opt in producing the feed locally, as it will even still maintain the the high level of protein in the feed just as in the foreign feed.

The marketing aspect is very vital when carrying out a feasibility study on how to start fish farming business in Nigeria. This is determined by the market forces (demand & supply). One thing you should note in fish business is that the size of the

Retailers, consumers and restaurant owners would prefer big fishes rather than small fishes. So you would have to invest in your big fishes, which will draw customers for you.

Finally, Feasibility study on the market helps you to know when your fishes are on demand and when you are to supply them and gives a fish farmer an overview of what he needs to know about the fish business after which you can draw a fish farming business plan to help give you a focus on what to do as you start you fish farming business.

fish determines the market.


Market survey carried out about what is needed for the full establishment of the business is as follows:

Each pond is 3m x 2.5m by 1.4m.

Each ponds consumes 210 blocks and each bag of cement for 30 blocks.
Hence 210 x 10 will be 2100blocks.
2100/30 will be 70 bags of cemented needed.
70 x 2000 will be 140,000 naira.
4 trips of sands is 15000 x 4 will be 60,000 naira.
2 trips of gravel will be 32000 x 2 will be 64000 naira.
Cost of labor is 150,000 naira.
Cost of plumbing (inlets and outlets facility ) is 100,000 naira.
Cost of borehole is 600,000 naira.
Cost of treatment is 20,000 naira.
Cost of high breeding fingerlings is 40 x 10,000 = 400,000 naira.
Cost of feeding them from day to maturity level is 200 bags of foreign feeds = 1,000000
When the weight of the fish is 1.7kg, it will be sold.
One 1.7kg of the fish will be sold for 800 naira.
Now the output will be 9800 x 800 ( 200 mortality )
9800 x 800 = 7, 840,000 naira.
 Input is 3,4 million naira.
Output (profit) is 4.44 000 million naira after six months of culture.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Ovulation occurs at the point in a woman’s menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the ovary, gets picked up by the fallopian tube, and has the chance to become fertilized if a sperm cell comes into contact with it. Since pregnancy can only occur during ovulation, many women find the timing useful to calculate while planning a pregnancy. This is not recommended as a replacement for other birth control methods, due to the uncertainty of the prediction and the potential for sperm to survive for up to seven days in the female reproductive tract. For the most reliable results, calculate your ovulation using more than one method, and track the data over many cycles.

Choose a Method

  1. Calendar: Inaccurate estimate, but helps you track other methods.
  2. Cervical mucus: An important factor to understand, but requires tracking daily for at least a couple months
  3. Basal Temperature: Usually paired with cervical mucus method, helping you discover ovulation pattern.
  4. Ovulation Test: Convenient but expensive, especially if you have an irregular cycle. Sometimes inaccurate, especially for women over 40.
  5. Detecting Infertility: Try this if you get irregular results for multiple months from the cervical mucus, basal temperature, or ovulation test methods
1 Track your menstrual cycle alongside other methods. This is not the most accurate method, but it's an easy, useful step to take while tracking other data. Purchase or create a calendar to begin keeping track of your monthly menstrual cycles. Circle the first day of your cycle, which is the day you start your period. Keep track of the duration of the cycle, which typically averages 28 days.
  1. Record the number of days in each cycle, including the day you start your period. The last day of each cycle is the day before your next period starts.
  2. Keep tracking your cycle this way for eight to twelve cycles. The more cycles you have to reference, the more accurate the calendar method will be.

Make a chart of the cycle durations. Once you have at least eight cycles recorded, you can turn the data into a chart. List the day of the month your period began in one column, and the number of days in that cycle in a second column.

  • Alternatively, you can use an online ovulation calculator such as the  .Make sure all of the information described below is included in the calculation, or it may be a less effective prediction.

Use your chart to predict the fertile period in your current cycle. It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact day you’ll ovulate using only a calendar. Instead, a calendar is useful for predicting the range of days during which you will be fertile, which can be a different length for each woman, as described below
  • Predict the first fertile day in your current cycle by finding the shortest cycle in your chart. Subtract eighteen from the total number of days in that cycle to find your first fertile day, meaning the first day in your cycle when pregnancy could occur. For example, if your shortest cycle lasted 26 days, your first fertile day would be the 8th day in each cycle (26 - 18 = 8), counting the day you began your period as day one.
  • Predict the last fertile day in your current cycle by finding the longest cycle in your chart. Subtract eleven days from the total number of days to find the last fertile day in your cycle. For example, if your longest cycle lasted 31 days, your last potentially fertile day in each cycle would be the 20th day in the cycle (31 - 11 = 20).
  • Note that the more regular your cycle duration is, the more effective this method will be.
 Understand the role of cervical mucus. Cervical mucus, a protective substance on the cervix, changes at different points in your cycle. Your body produces more mucus right around the time of ovulation to help facilitate the fertilization of the egg. Once you get to know your pattern well, it’s possible to use it to predict the day you will ovulate. 
Chart your mucus pattern. To learn how to check your mucus, see How to Check Cervical Mucus. Check your mucus every day after your period ends, and note the distinct changes that take place over the course of your cycle. Keep track of the changes on a calendar.
  • Chart the days when you have your period, dry days, and days when your mucus is tacky, sticky, slippery, and wet.
  • Note changes in color and smell in addition to texture. Note whether the mucus is cloudy or clear.
  • Keep as thorough a record as possible, especially in the first few months when you’re still getting used to this method.
  • Breastfeeding, infections, certain drugs, and other circumstances can affect the cervical mucus, so be sure to note these factors as well.
Interpret your mucus pattern to determine the day of ovulation. The day of ovulation is usually the day when cervical mucus is most wet and slippery. In the days that follow that peak, especially when the cervix is dry again, fertility is at its lowest. 
Buy a basal temperature thermometer. Right before ovulation is the woman’s most fertile time. The body temperature rises slightly right after the woman has ovulated, then remains elevated for the remainder of the cycle, until your next period. You are most fertile during the days in your cycle directly before the temperature rise. Because the incremental temperature change from day to day is so small, regular thermometers will not provide accurate results. Basal temperature thermometers are digital thermometers available at drugstores.
  • The most accurate readings are taken in the vagina or rectum, but there are also basal temperature thermometers designed to take readings in the mouth. Stick with the same method during the entire process, and try to measure at the same depth and angle each time.
 Take your temperature daily. It’s important to take your temperature at the same time every day, since it fluctuates throughout the day. Ideally, take it first thing in the morning, after at least five hours of sleep and before getting out of bed. Record your temperature within 1/10 of a degree. Use a dot or other symbol on your chart to mark days when other factors may alter the reading, including illness, restless sleep, and fever reduction medicines such as aspirin, Tylenol, and Motrin. The average woman’s body temperature is 96–98ºF (35.6–36.7ºC) before ovulation, and 97–99ºF (36.1–37.2ºC) after ovulation. If you get results significantly outside this range, consult the thermometer instructions to make sure you are using it correctly 
Interpret your temperature pattern. Over the course of several months, notice the day when your temperature goes up. Most likely, ovulation has already occurred at this point, so your most fertile time is right before that. With enough data, you’ll know which days of your cycle you are most likely to ovulate.